توقعات الشفق القطبي مساعدة

Probability forecast
Today Active Minor Severe
High latitude 5% 20% 65%
Middle latitude 35% 30% 10%
Kp-index forecast
Min. Max.

Predicted Kp-indices

Below you'll find the expected global geomagnetic conditions (Kp) and those for the middle and high latitudes (K-indices). These values indicate the expected geomagnetic activity for any given 3-hour period for the next three days. This is the fastest way to quickly find out what kind of geomagnetic conditions are to be expected over the next 3 days. The predictions are updated daily by the NOAA SWPC and do not necessarily reflect the predictions made by the SpaceWeatherLive team. Times are in UTC.

All times in UTC

توقعات Kp طويلة الأمد

Below you'll find the daily maximum expected global geomagnetic conditions (Kp) for the coming 27 days. This is the fastest way to quickly find out what kind of geomagnetic conditions are to be expected over the next 27 days. These predictions are updated weekly by the NOAA SWPC. While space weather is hard to forecast so far in advance, this list can be useful to spot when recurrent and reliable solar features like coronal hole solar wind streams become geoeffective again.

All times in UTC

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Space weather facts

Last X-flare2024/06/10X1.55
Last M-flare2024/06/25M1.0
Last geomagnetic storm2024/06/28Kp8- (G4)
Spotless days
Last spotless day2022/06/08
Monthly mean Sunspot Number
مايو ٢٠٢٤171.7 +35.2
يونيو ٢٠٢٤153.9 -17.8
Last 30 days152.9 +8.3

This day in history*

التوهج الشمسي
*since 1994

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