Tarkastellaan tiistaina, 17. kesäkuuta 2003 arkistoa

Auringon aktiivisuusraportti

Kaikkiin tässä raportissa mainittuihin auringonpurkauksiin on sovellettu Space Weather Prediction Center:n (SWPC) skaalauskerrointa. SWPC:n skaalauskertoimen vuoksi flarepurkaukset ilmoitetaan 42 prosenttia pienempinä kuin tieteellisissä laatutiedoissa. Skaalauskerroin on poistettu arkistoidusta auringonpurkaustiedostamme, jotta se vastaisi todellisia fyysisiä yksiköitä.
Raportti geofysikaalisesta aktiivisuudesta 2003 Jun 17 2200 UTC
Valmisteli NOAA © SWPC ja käsitteli SpaceWeatherLive.com

USAF:n ja NOAA:n yhteinen raportti Auringon ja geofysikaalisesta aktiivisuudesta

SDF-luku 168 julkaistu 2200Z kello 17 Jun 2003

IA. Auringon aktiivisten alueiden ja aktiivisuuden analyysi välillä 16-2100Z – 17-2100Z

Solar activity was at low levels. The largest flare was a C2 flare at 0222 UTC from Region 386 (S07E58). This region continues to increase in area coverage as it rotates further onto the visible disk. Magnetic analysis indicates a beta-gamma magnetic configuration. Region 380 (S15W64) continues a its gradual decay in area and now has a beta magnetic configuration.
IB. Auringon aktiivisuusennuste
Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels with a chance of isolated high level activity. Region 386 has the potential for major flare activity.
IIA. Geofysikaalisen aktiivisuuden yhteenveto 16-2100Z – 17-2100Z
The geomagnetic field was at active to major storm levels. A six-hour period of southward Bz, from 06 - 09 UTC combined with elevated solar wind speed near 510 km/s produced minor and major storm levels.
IIB. Geofysikaalisen aktiivisuuden ennuste
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at unsettled to minor storm levels. A weak CME shock is possible late on day one with isolated minor storm levels possible. High speed stream effects are expected on day two and day three with minor storm levels possible.
III. Tapahtuman todennäköisyydet 18 Jun – 20 Jun
Luokka M40%40%40%
Luokka X20%20%20%
IV. Penticton 10,7 cm vuo
  Havaittu       17 Jun 122
  Ennusteet   18 Jun-20 Jun  125/120/120
  90 vuorokauden keskiarvo        17 Jun 125
V. Geomagneettinen A-indeksit
  Havaittu Afr/Ap 16 Jun  020/032
  Arvioitu     Afr/Ap 17 Jun  040/050
  Ennusteet    Afr/Ap 18 Jun-20 Jun  020/030-020/030-020/025
VI. Geomagneettisen toiminnan todennäköisyydet 18 Jun – 20 Jun
A. Keskileveysasteet
Heikko myrsky15%20%20%
Voimakas myrsky05%05%05%
B. Korkeat leveysasteet
Heikko myrsky20%25%25%
Voimakas myrsky10%15%15%
VII Comment: K-Indices: On 16 June, it was determined that a scaling problem exists with the H-trace on the Boulder magnetometer instrument. While this problem, and its fix are being investigated the primary instrument for Boulder K-indices has been switched to the Boulder USGS (via Domsat) magnetometer, effective 1500 UTC on 16 June. GOES Protons: To ensure continued operational monitoring of important energetic particle data, it is necessary to reassign primary/secondary designations for the GOES Space Environment Monitor (SEM) detectors. Beginning 1700 UTC on June 18, GOES 11 (105W) will become the primary satellite for protons. GOES 12 will continue as the primary satellite for magnetometer, X-ray, and electron measurements. GOES 10 (135W) will be the secondary satellite for all SEM sensors - magnetometer, X-ray, and energetic particles. Because of the degraded state of the proton data on GOES-10, its designation as the secondary source for proton data is a short-term solution. More permanent solutions have been identified and are being evaluated. Users will be notified when we define and schedule a permanent fix. Further details can be found at http://www.sec.noaa.gov/GOES.html.

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Tämä päivä historiassa*

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*vuodesta 1994

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