X3.3 solar flare

piątek, 9 lutego 2024 18:15 UTC

X3.3 solar flare

Departing sunspot region 3575 which is already behind the south-west limb said goodbye this afternoon with a major X3.3 (R3-strong) solar flare which peaked at 13:14 UTC.

This is the second strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle thus far but because the eruption occurred well behind the limb the solar flare could very well have been much stronger. The coronal mass ejection launched during the event is very impressive but not aimed at our planet. The eruption did cause us to reach the moderate S2 solar radiation storm threshold which impacts HF radio transmission at arctic latitudes and could cause minor issues for sensitive electronics in satellites.

Sunspot region 3576

Earth-facing sunspot region 3576 keeps it's Beta-Gamma-Delta magnetic layout but is not as complex as when it appeared on the earth-facing solar disk a few days ago. It remains capable of M-class activity but an X-class solar flare from this sunspot region is not likely to occur at this moment.

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