Affichage des archives de jeudi, 11 septembre 2014

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M2.1 and M1.4 solar flares from a sunspot region behind the limb

We are still excited following yesterday's X-class solar flare from sunspot region 2158 but there is another sunspot region that is demanding our attention: a new sunspot region on the eastern limb produced an M2.13 (R1-minor radio blackout) solar flare that peaked at 15:26 UTC and just now an impulsive M1.41 (R1-minor radio blackout) solar flare that peaked at 21:26 UTC. Image: the M2.1 solar flare as seen by NASA SDO.

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Middle Latitude Auroral Activity Watch - 12 and 13 September 2014

Yesterday was an exciting day on the Sun. Sunspot region 2158 produced a long duration X1.6 (R3-strong) solar flare while directly facing Earth. Solar imagery suggested at the time that there could be a major Coronal Mass Ejection associated with the event. Now that we have coronagraph imagery from SOHO/LASCO we can conclude that she didn't disappoint.

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